Saturday, April 24, 2010

Emma's Book: Kidding Aside

This should lay to rest the tiresome southern hemisphere jokes. This is the last, Emma, I promise.

If you look a little dirty faced, Emma, I apologize for that as well. You all know how tough it can be to work with water media in these books. I have embraced it, though, and have grown to embrace the accidents that always occur. I hope you will accept that excuse, and enjoy the picture.

Off to Samantha.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 2010

This should reflect most recent status from your comments and/or chat box...would be great to see some smiling (or not smiling) faces posted soon. Maybe even a monster face, a polar bear, or one of Chris's pigeons. Ut-oh, that's me. I 'd better get a move on.